25 T Takagawa, S Allgeyer, P Cummins. Adjoint synthesis for trans‐oceanic tsunami waveforms and simultaneous inversion of fault geometry and slip distribution, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
24 McGirr R., Tregoning P., Allgeyer S., McQueen H., Purcell A.P. Interplay of Altitude, Ground Track Coverage, Noise, and Regularization in the Spatial Resolution of GRACE Gravity Field Models, Journal of Geophysical Research
23 Allgeyer S., Tregoning P., McQueen H., McClsuky S.C., Potter E.K, Pfeffer J., McGirr R., Purcell A.P., Herring T.A., Montillet J.P. ANU GRACE Data Analysis: Orbit modeling, regularization and inter-satellite range acceleration observations. Journal of Geophysical Research
23 Tregoning, P., McGirr, R., Pfeffer, J., Anthony, P., McQueen, H., Allgeyer, S.,McClusky, S. ANU GRACE Data Analysis: Characteristics and benefits of using irregularly shaped mascons. Journal of Geophysical Research.
21 R. McGirr, P. Tregoning, S. Allgeyer, H. McQueen & A. Purcell A. (2021) Reduction of GRACE accelerometer noise sources using digital signal processing methods. Advances in Space Research
20 J Talandier, O Hyvernaud, H Hébert, RC Maury, S Allgeyer (2020), Seismic and hydroacoustic effects of the May 29, 2010 submarine South Sarigan volcanic explosion: Energy release and interpretation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
19 Ghobadi-Far, SC Han, S Allgeyer, P Tregoning, J Sauber, ... (2020) GRACE gravitational measurements of tsunamis after the 2004, 2010, and 2011 great earthquakes, Journal of Geodesy 94 (7), 1-9
18 Allgeyer S., M.O. Bristeau, D. Froger, R. Hamouda, V. Jauzein, A. Mangeney, J. Sainte-Marie, F. Souillé and M. Vallée, (2019) Numerical approximation of the 3d hydrostatic Navier-Stokes system with free surface, ESAIM: Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis.
17 Canitano A., P. Bernard, S. Allgeyer (2017) Observations and modelling of the seismic seiches triggered in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) by the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Geodynamics.
16 Koulali A., S. McClusky, L. Wallace, S. Allgeyer, P. Tregoning, E. D’Anastasio, R. Benavente (2017) Slow slip events and the 2016 Te Araroa mw 7.1 earthquake interaction: Northern Hikurangi subduction, New Zealand, Geophysical Research Letter.
15 Tian, S., P. Tregoning, L.J. Renzullo, A.I.J.M. van Dijk, J.P. Walker, V.R.N. Pauwels and S. Allgeyer (2017), Improved water balance estimation through joint assimilation of GRACE water storage and SMOS soil moisture observations, Water Resources Research
14 Allgeyer S., É Quentel, H Hébert, A Gailler, A Loevenbruck (2017) Tsunami hazard in La Réunion Island (SW Indian Ocean): Scenario-based numerical modelling on vulnerable coastal sites, Pure and applied Geophysics
13 Kallenberg B., P. Tregoning, J. F. Hoffmann, R. Hawkins, A. Purcell, S. Allgeyer (2017) A new approach to estimate ice dynamic rates using satellite observations in East Antarctica, The Cryosphere
12 Baba, T., S. Allgeyer, J. Hossen, P. Cummins, H. Tsushima, K. Imai, K. Yamashita and T. Kato (2017), Accurate numerical simulation of the far-field tsunami from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake including Boussinesq effect, elastic loading and density stratification, Ocean Modelling.
11 Hossen, J., P. Cummins, S. Roberts, and S. Allgeyer (2015), Time reverse imaging of the tsunami source. Pure and Applied Geophysics
10 Allgeyer S., and P. Cummins (2014), Numerical tsunami simulation including elastic loading and seawater density stratification, Geophysical Research Letters
9 Allgeyer S., H. Hébert, and R. Madariaga (2013), Modelling the tsunami free oscillations in the Marquesas (French Polynesia), Geophysical Journal International.
8 Allgeyer S., C. Daubord, H. Hébert, A. Loevenbruck, F. Schindelé, and R. Madariaga (2013), Could a 1755-Like Tsunami Reach the French Atlantic Coastline? Constraints from Twentieth Century Observations and Numerical Modeling, Pure and Applied Geophysics.
7 Boudin F., S. Allgeyer, P. Bernard, H. Hébert, M. Olcay, R. Madariaga, M. El-Madani, J.-P. Vilotte, S. Peyrat, A. Nercessian, B. Schurr, M.-F. Esnoult, G. Asch, I. Nunez, M. Kammenthaler (2013), Analysis and modelling of tsunami-induced tilt for the 2007, M = 7.6, Tocopilla and the 2010, M = 8.8 Maule earthquakes, Chile, from long-base tiltmeter and broadband seismometer records, Geophysical Journal International
6 Hébert H., P. E. Burg, R. Binet, F. Lavigne, S. Allgeyer, and F. Schindelé (2012) The 2006 July 17 Java (Indonesia) tsunami from satellite imagery and numerical modelling: a single or complex source?, Geophysical Journal International.
5 Makela J.J, P. Lognonné, H. Hébert, T. Gehrels, L. Rolland, S. Allgeyer, A. Kherani, G. Occhipinti, E. Astafyeva, P. Coïsson, A. Loevenbruck, E. Clévédé, M.C. Kelley, J. Lamouroux (2011), Imaging and modeling the ionospheric airglow response over Hawaii to the tsunami generated by the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011, Geophysical Research Letters
4 Occhipinti G., P. Coïsson, J. J Makela, S. Allgeyer, A. Kherani, H. Hébert, P. Lognonné (2011), Three-dimensional numerical modeling of tsunami-related internal gravity waves in the Hawaiian atmosphere, Earth Planets and Space
3 Roger, J., M. A. Baptista, A. Sahal, F. Accary, S. Allgeyer, and H. Hébert (2011), The Transoceanic 1755 Lisbon Tsunami in Martinique, Pure and Applied Geophysics.
2 Roger, J., S. Allgeyer, and H. Hébert (2010), The 1755 Lisbon tsunami in Guadeloupe Archipelago: source sensitivity and investigation of resonance effects, Open Oceanography Journal
1 Sahal, A., J. Roger, S. Allgeyer, B. Lemaire, H. Hébert, F. Schindele, F. Lavigne (2009), The tsunami triggered by the 21 May 2003 Boumerdès-Zemmouri (Algeria) earthquake: field investigations on the French Mediterranean coast and tsunami modelling., Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.